Friday, May 3, 2019

Week 11: Check your dog for Heartworm!

During the week we had two pit bulls come for their annuals, meaning they were tested and updated on their shots. one of the tests that are performed daily at the clinic is the heartworm test. the test is easy all that is need is a few drops of blood from the dog and is then place on a plastic object. They way you can tell if it's negative is when there is only one line, two lines mean that it's positive. Unlike parasites, heart-worm can spread to other animals. This type of worm is common for dogs who are outside a lot. 

Ways that you can locate the worm in dogs if it's coughing, reluctant to exercise, more tired, decrease in appetite or weight loss. The way heartworm is transferred or even caught by dogs is by an annoying bug. This bug being a mosquito, how it spreads the worm is by biting into their host's skin. Then they transfer parasites that enter the bloodstream and later gets pumped into the heart. If left untreated this can cause heart failure in dogs. The pit bulls were lucky that their owners caught it early, but they will be treated with stronger drugs which will wear the dog out

How the heartworm test is preformed

How heartworm is transferred

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