Monday, February 25, 2019

Week 5 - Skin Tags

Skin tags are small flaps of tissue that hangs off the skin by a connecting stalk. Rarely is it ever dangerous for either humans or animal. But besides tags Dr. Stamps found a fatty tumor growing on the belly of a Goldendoodle. A fatty tumor is not to different from a regular tumor the only noticeable difference between the two is that fatty tumors are made up of fat tissues. It doesn't seem that the tumor was growing so Dr. Stamps left it alone. The Goldendoodle was well behave during the whole appointment

Then I got to observe a lactation repair surgery. Which is veterinarian language for stitching a wound. The dog was a German Shepard who had a leg wound that is believed to be caused by a fence. Unlike neutering or spaying, the drugs used on the dog was different and an IV didn't need for the stitching. During this week Tracy taught me how to make cones and how to use a special type of sponge to keep the cone on the animal's neck.  

Cones that I made
Image result for skin tags dogs
What a Skin Tag looks like

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